Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Sthoee idiots guide to jellyfish as food!

Next swims;Tuesday 7.30, Sunday 29th 7pm, Tuesday 7.30
If you are not getting sthoeetext email us on or text us on 0861595422

in the shops
 Step one: dunno if our jellyfish is edible so we buy it. Its readily available in shops. We generally use the instant variety because we have no patience.
(all jellyfish is edible, some only once!)
ready to eat instant jellyfish
its not that pretty, it comes in brine . it looks like , well shredded jellyfish. its faitly tasteless and odourless , to make it palatable it needs flavourings. today we had spicy and salty. not altogether bad

ready to eat
This is what it looks like dressed and ready to eat

one small step for mankind 

yup, didn't go down too well

seriously you eat this crap on the beach?

Good surf ski skills session and swim with trainees using paddle-boards and both ling and kneeling on the ski. first raft up and transfer at sea. Ideal conditions on a busy beach.

see you all Tuesday 7.30