BEACH LIFEGUARDS : Please ensure you have spoken to your trainer about assessment dates - you are running out of time
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
No swim Thursday 30/7/09
BEACH LIFEGUARDS : Please ensure you have spoken to your trainer about assessment dates - you are running out of time
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Google a Lifeguard

Did you know that if you have a google account or gmail / google email address you can add our calendar to your account for free.
So what you ask?
for starters try out free texts to your mobile and emails of updates as and when they happen , if you are a tech the world is your oyster
the calendar is called www. and is available here
its free, its simple and it rocks
Thursday swim will be confirmed by lunchtime Wed
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Thursday Swim Change of Venue hole in the wall
Sutton Station / Howth both 20 minute walk
more to follow
Friday, July 17, 2009
The moon does it

It regulates the tides and gives us the magic rule of twelfths that makes it all predictable.
if you want to learn more about how it all sits together check out our website;
Learn why the moon is so important to tides
next swim Thursday @7 - watch this space as venue may change! ! ! !
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Capsize drill
as you can have on a boat - in and out constantly boat flipped and
righted constantly
It's easier than it looks and tonight we had a virgin crew go from
belly up and wet to righted and dry in 26 seconds.
It will be a long time before we see that time broken, a very very
long time.
No sat swim this week . next swim Thur at seven, monster tide sat week - event planned !
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Dublin emergency services sea swim 2009
Today Coastguard, RNLI, Ambulance, Dublin fire brigade, Gardai,
Beaumont A&E, Airport police and fire pretty much anyone with a blue
polo shirt.
The event was moved to our home beach on Claremont for logistal
reasons. A great day had by all.
Never before have we had so much rescue on the beach and in the water
with perhaps the best start possible from Howth lifeguard
Well done to the organisers- it was an impressive event - pictues to
follow on
Monday, July 6, 2009
Weekly update 6/7/09
Thur 9th 7pm Claremont
Sat 11th 1pm Claremont - big event
Sun 12th last Sunday in DCU 7.30
Thur 18th 7pm Claremont
All members welcome @ all swims