The most recent Government changes impact how we will look at our restart.
It's impossible to predict how exactly this will look but it's safe to say that our plans are that we will aim to pick up where we left off albeit with a lot of changes required to manage sthoee in a covid-19 environment
Traditionally we restart later in September with new swimmers at the end of the month but at this stage we expect that we will
- Send a questionnaire to swimmers to engage on our back to pool plans
- Publish our covid-19 charter
- Have a zoom (or similar) meetup and parents Q&A
- Then announce our plans and dates
We are getting enquiries for new starts, anyone wanting to join needs to register on the join section linked from our website or blog if it's a sibling of an existing swimmer note this on the application. It helps.
It's really hard to be optimistic at the moment, we've touching six months off but we are entirely independent which means we can adapt. We continue to ask that you take your information from our website and email only, it's amazing that people make stuff up but they do, if it's not published its not true….
The Crew continue to meet up online weekly and send their love to you all !
And finally there's been some jellyfish questions. Yes we do serve them at the beach BBQ (they look like congealed bonjella and taste of bad dreams) but when you meet them on the beach and are scared of stings it's.........
Purple / all white - you should be all right
Black, orange, red, blue – will all sting you
Regardless of colour don't pick 'em up unless you know what you are doing and do not eat them. Seriously, what's wrong with you people.