We have an adjudicator
We have a governor
Birthday is coming
Hi all,
Myself and Richard would like to thank everyone for last night for all the help with blood night.
Looking trough all the videos that I took last night, there are a lot so it will be a while before I get them edited but I have some pictures for you's, some pretty good injuries.
Also thanks to the bodies who came up extra early and gave a dig out with the decorations and stuff.
...... a severed arm, bruises, burns , breaks, and the living bejazus scared out of me
Blood night is tonight, a positively ghoulish night of first aid and casualty simulation.
How to treat a vampire bite? Attacked by a zombie? Difference between a lifeguards emergency first aid kit and a vampire emergency kit?
important lifesaving skills like zombie invasion planning, different vampire bites, triage and injury assessment - werewolf or zombie?, pĂșca or ghoul?
We've gallons of blood, wads of fake flesh, fake injuries, and a cast straight from the hammer house of horror.
Dress to unimpress, it's a night for old clothes...... crucifixes, silver bullets and wooden stakes.
Do not be late.
Do be afraid,
be very afraid
Get in touch to get involved
sms/tel (+353) 086 1595422
email web@sthoeelifeguardsdublin.com
web www.sthoee.com
blog www.sthoeelifeguardsdublin.blogspot.ie
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