On the beach
quiet day , small group and more work in the boat house. about 80% of the floor space is now clear and we are close to having only the boats low.
On the water a small team did a tour of the back of the harbour - a great day for seeing things that most people never knew existed. Orla and Niall had some serious swimming and paddling probably more than the rest of us put together.
This week will be one of anniversaries and special dates as we move to the beach for the summer. Last full Dublin City University Lifesaving swim in DCU as we move to specialist lifeguard courses from Sunday.
Time for everyone to start keeping in touch on line, on the notice board and on the phone. Weather has to improve
interesting note that swims are on average 150% longer than last year - can't think why ! !
keep in touch: Dublin City University Lifesaving