What a day -starting at 9am with gear set up and erecting the marquee and finishing at 9pm in the pool !
The team delivered Lifesupport and Lifesaving information to hundreds if not thousands of people around the festival site with handouts, posters and details of the AED sponsorship programme from Apache Pizza. Practical demos, live and trainer AEDs, mannequins, torpedo buoys, reel and line, rope throws, throw-bags, we could go on.
The day was capped by the rescue demonstration with our very own John being the focus of attention as casualty for the marine emergency services - seeing all the rescue services and the rescue helicopter in the bay made for magical viewing
Lunch was delivered in style with the most pizza we have ever seen in one place - ummm fantastic.
it was weird seeing such a great tide on the beach and us not there ! Lots of people made this happen over an extended period of time both in organisation and preps, demos, liaison, presentations, publicity, posters and handouts , setup and dismantling

there are so many people to thank -
Fingal Tourism / Fingal County Council
Howth Festival Committee
Howth Coastguard
Apache Pizza
Marquee Sponsors
Our friends in the scouts and of course .......
..........the very exceptional and growing demo team from sthoee Lifeguards Dublin
thanks again