You should all have received a copy of the sept 07 reg form in the post this week - please read it carefully its important that you follow all the instructions on it carefully in particular that you MUST be down on Sept 2nd to keep your place - remember we do not reserve places
New members will be welcome on Sept 9th - we will be in contact with everyone who has been in touch about joining too.
remember we are oversubscribed every year and this year we were unable to tackle the waiting list in any meaningful way if there are problems (broken leg, brain surgery etc is a good reason) get in touch before the end of August. Please contact Mark / Michael @ info or visit the website
Open water swimmers - you can preregister at certain swims - your forms must be in an envelope for this
August 2007 - prereg at certain H2Open events
2nd September - member registration
9th September - new member registration
Its going to be a great year
Lifesaving Courses
First Aid courses
Project AED - all members
Pool Lifeguard Courses
Beach Lifeguard - Early 2008
Assistant Teachers Programme
Powercraft - rescue boat training
trainers - loads including
Lifesaving Trainer assessor
Pool lifeguard TA
Specially safe