it may not have been the best evening all summer, it may not have been the highest attended, it may not have been the clearest view, best sunset, cleanest water, everyone may not have been smiling..... just seemed that way
The soon to be named J.e.d.i. had her outboard go through its final tests - green light.
so there we are - we said that the big job could be done in little steps and little steps we took. one after another until we reached tonight.
Session started with some final mods to the ramp and J being brought to the water for on trailer tests and some tweaks on trim.
Swim group did short sprints at the back of the harbour and did a run swim run to the wreck (nessie) had a good root around and paddled to Burrow (hole in the wall)
Run swim run back to the boat with a short break for a waterfight. well you have to. really you do. really.
boat prepped and cleaned for her big day out and brought back to the boathouse.
see you Sunday,
its been a long time coming.
Nunc est bibendum
Gale Warning in effect
Small Craft Warning in effect
Small Craft Warning in effect